Welcome to Prussia Cove Class Web Page
Class Teacher: Mrs Cath Sandow
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Aisla Wright
A very warm welcome to Prussia Cove EYFS Class.
We are an amazing bunch of Reception children who work and play together and have lots of fun learning and exploring!
Please take a look at our Autumn Term Project Overview to see what we will be covering and also the key learning in our knowledge organisers
Feel free to contact me: cathsandow@st-hilary.cornwall.sch.uk
Please could children wear PE kits on Wednesdays but we will also be doing lots of physical development activities throughout the week such as welly walks, playing in the woodland area on the school field and climbing and balancing on the play equipment ( as well as the daily mile!)
The children should bring in their planners in their red reading packets every day please.
Don't forget coats, water bottles and a mid morning snack!