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St Hilary School

House Point System

St Hilary School House Point System

When a child starts at St Hilary, they are placed in one of four houses that they will remain in for their whole time at the school.  We aim to place siblings in the same house where possible.  The system is aimed at encouraging a healthy team ethos and points are earned for achievement, in the classroom and around the school as well as at competitions and sports days. Points may also be earned for following the school rules and for behaviour.

House captains are chosen once Pupil Parliament members have been elected by children in KS2 at the beginning of the academic year. These children will positively encourage pupils in their own house and will have several roles to carry out throughout the year such as handing out certificates in assemblies, choosing teams for competitions, and writing news reports.

The four houses are:





In order for the house points to be equitable for all, the system below will be used consistently by all staff.


Points Awarded

Achieving a certificate


Participating in an inter school club competition


Winning/ placing highly in an inter school club competition (individual)

1st – 5

2nd – 4

3rd – 3

4th -2

5th - 1

Winning / placing highly in an inter school club competition (team)

1st -  10

2nd – 8

3rd – 5

4th – 3

Representing St Hilary School in a competition (for any subject e.g. sport, English, Maths)


Staff award for following school rules and for displaying excellent behaviour (children to add their own points to class chart which will be collected as a total in each class so if red team wins in Y5, they get 4 points, Blue come 2nd – 3 points , Green comes 3rd – 2, Yellow comes 4th – 1 point)


Once Pupil Parliament has added up the total points for each class then the teams are awarded with overall team points to be added to their existing total.


In the result of a tie – the highest amount of points are to be awarded to each team.






1st -  10

2nd – 8

3rd – 5

4th – 3


The children will be responsible for putting any points rewarding to them from staff (for behaviour, following the school rules etc) themselves. This places the onus on them and takes away potential higher work load for staff.

The Pupil Parliament will collect scores every Friday after lunch and give Miss Jelbert the points to place in the newsletter. Pupil Parliament will also put up the points on the display board outside Funzone.

The house cup will be presented to the winning team and their captains at the end of each term.

Points will reset at the beginning of each term but results will be kept so they can be used to define which team wins at the end of the year. Points will not be added but positions will e.g. 1st place = 4 points, 2nd place = 3 points, 3rd place – 2 points, 4th place – 1 point.