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Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School

Welcome to Gwithian Class

Welcome to Gwithian Class!
Class Teachers: Mrs K Ellis (kellis@st-hilary.cornwall.sch.uk)
Mrs L Ellis (lellis@st-hilary.cornwall.sch.uk)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cane, Miss Maisey and Mrs Thurgood...
Here you will find lots of useful information and news of the exciting things the children have been up to.
Please take a look at useful information to see what we will be covering and also the key learning in our knowledge organisers
Weekly Routine


Times table practice on your child's individual times table targets.

Read for at least 10 minutes each night to improve reading fluency and comprehension.

Focus Five Spellings (in little yellow book)

Please also make use of our fantastic school resources such as TT Rockstars and Ed Shed (see useful resources).

Weekly Arithmetic Homework sheet


PE is on a Friday afternoon. Please come ready for PE wearing your St Hilary PE kit.

Year 4 is a year of exciting projects and learning adventures! The first term project is about Mining! Our leading question is: 'What comes up to grass in Cornwall?', focusing on how mining shaped and changed our region over the years and how it may continue to shape it in the coming years. We also recognise ways in which traditions and the Cornish way of life has changed over time. We have visits including an outreach from Clint at Geevor Tin Mine, followed by a trip to Geevor Tin Mine. 
Our authentic outcome is to develop an inventive design to package traditional food, which would enable a person to dine in a mine. Children enter the Dragons’ Den (St Hilary’s version) to showcase their products! 
We will also be swimming in the first half of the Autumn Term for 6 weeks.
Our question is; Would it be Scilly to live on Sicily? A play on words so that the children know why people choose to live near volcanoes. The main focus is to compare the Isles of Scilly to Sicily, and link our learning about volcanoes.
The outcome is a play about natural disasters. We will look forward to demonstrating our learning to parents and carers, through this performance at the end of the term. We raise money from this performance for Shelter box, to help with any of their appeals.
In the Summer term, we learn about Greeks and Romans and the question we ask is; 'Whose legacy is more significant?' The children make their own decision on what they think at the end of the project. We usually show all the children's wonderful work from the whole year to parents and carers, and the children give their opinions on whose legacy was more significant. There are often many other opportunities such as sporting and performing events that arise at the end of the term which makes this a very busy and exciting time for the children.