In line with our school's policy on promoting the 'Fundamental British Values' and in order to promote pupil voice, we vote for a 'Pupil Parliament'.
Our year 6 children undergo a very democratic process in which they will write a persuasive piece about why they would be good members of the Pupil Parliament. This will then be presented to the rest of the school ready for voting.
We are so incredibly proud of all our Y6s who presented their Pupil Parliament speeches to the whole of KS2 at the beginning of October. Every child took a huge leap of faith and dug deep to show what they could bring as a valued representative of the pupil body.
Through a very democratic process (every child in KS2 voting!) our new parliamentarians were announced during a celebration assembly.
A big congratulations to our Prime Minister, Will R, Deputy Prime Ministers Jess H and Jess P and our MPs, Archie B, Oliver C, Isla M, Thomas L and Penny P.
A huge achievement and a team we believe will continue to strive for what is right and make a difference.