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St Hilary School


Music at St. Hilary
"Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." - Plato

Music at St Hilary School



We aim to create a love for music in our children that will stay with them in their future lives and help them to become ‘the best that they can be’. We want to ensure that music is an inspiring and engaging experience that enables every child to develop their musical potential and develops an appreciation of the value of music that is deeply personal to them. We want children to have a curiosity for the subject and a respect for the role that music may play in any person’s life.


At St Hilary, we endeavour to provide a variety of musical experiences through a curriculum which develops learning, improves knowledge and promotes pupil well-being through building up the confidence of all children.  Music can impact the way that children feel, think and act; we want music to help children to develop healthy bodies and minds and allow for creativity and self-expression.


As a result of our Music Curriculum we want our children to:

  •          Develop a love and appreciation of music through listening, singing, playing, performing and composing.
  •          Make judgements and express personal preferences about the quality and style of music.
  •          Understand the 10 concepts of music as summarised by the acronym MAD T-SHIRTS and use appropriate musical vocabulary to discuss music.
  •          Listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of genres, styles and historical periods.
  •          Explore the musical heritage, tradition and culture of Cornwall.
  •          Understand and empathise with other cultures throughout the world through music.
  •          Read and write and use musical notation.
  •          Take part in performances with an awareness of audience.
  •          Display a deep understanding of our school values by listening to, interpreting and expressing themselves through music.


We want to ensure children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community and encourage them to use their musical skills, knowledge and experience to involve themselves and others in music.



The implementation of our intent is through whole class music lessons for all year groups, at least weekly, delivered by a specialist music teacher and the class teachers. There is a well-sequenced, incremental progression of skills and knowledge that sets out exactly how the children progress year on year. Music teaching is linked with class project whenever possible.

 The ten Concepts for music as agreed by LEAP music teachers (Melody, Articulation, Dynamics, Tempo, Structure, Harmony, Instrumentation, Rhythm, Texture, Social and historical concepts) are woven into all music learning throughout the school.

Each term, all children will listen and appraise music, sing, play instruments, improvise, compose, perform and record music, including using music technology. A variety of resources such as Charanga and Sing Up are used to support all teachers in delivering the music curriculum.

At the Harvest Festival and at Christmas all children perform to parents and the wider community.

St Hilary School has a strong link with the Cornwall Music Education Hub and has engaged with many of their musical events including Songfest and school cluster events. Children in KS2 receive ‘First Access’ teaching where every child will begin to learn a musical instrument through weekly, whole-class instrumental lessons for one term.


In addition to classroom music, many children at the school have instrumental tuition with peripatetic music teachers: keyboard, guitar, brass, woodwind, violin, viola, cello and singing.

There are infant and junior choirs open to all children and there is the opportunity for children to develop their musical skills further and perform at various events both in and out of school, such as at the St Piran-in-Penwith celebrations each March, Christmas performances in St Hilary Church and visiting the local community.




As a result of the music curriculum, children at St Hilary develop a love of music which can last for their whole lives. Through music, children learn Excellence, Empathy, Evolution, Endurance, Evolution and to be Ethical.  Children develop an understanding of their own culture and history and of those from other times and places.

Children demonstrate a steady progression of knowledge and skills which enables them to continue learning with confidence in the years ahead.

Our violin group performing to the school.
Our music experiences.
St Hilary music concepts.