Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School

Accelerated Reader

In order to continue promoting the love of reading, we use Accelerated Reader once the children have reached a good level of fluency with their reading.

AR is an online system that allows teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Each child will take a termly STAR Reader assessment which is made up of multiple choice questions.  The test adapts with the child as they go along, based on the child’s responses.  It then gives them a reading/book level (a ZPD) to choose from based on their comprehension and age.

Each book within AR has a quick quiz for them to take when they have finished.  To take this test they will need to log onto the AR website, which they will be doing during their reading time at school.  Teachers and pupils will be given feedback based on the quiz results which can be used towards target setting and help guide new book choices. 

We have spent many hours reorganising and labelling the books in the library to make choosing books from the correct section straightforward for the children. The children have a bookmark with all the details on that they need to use AR efficiently.


Every book in AR has a point value.  The points are based on the difficulty of the book and the number of words it contains.  Children will earn points depending on how well they do on the quiz they take at the end of the book.  For example, a child who reads a book worth 5 points and takes a 10 question test, will be awarded 5 points for answering all 10 questions correctly, 4.5 points for 9 etc. 

The children have taken to this new venture like ducks to water and it is making a real impact.