Welcome to Kynance Cove Class!
Class Teacher: Miss Evana Mathews (emathews@st-hilary.cornwall.sch.uk)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Ewa Hoyland (1-1 support: Mrs Sophie Thurgood, Miss Katy Maisey and Mrs Kay Tresidder)
Kynance Cove Class 2024/25 wishes you a very warm welcome.
We are an amazing bunch of Year 3 children, who love to learn and we would love to share with you what we have been up to!
In the Autumn Term, we will be learning about prehistory - from the Stone Age right through to the Iron Age. We will be looking how they lived, where they lived as well as how their discoveries influenced our daily lives today. We are hoping to take advantage of some of the local places of interest with a little fieldwork too. Our leading question is: 'Through the Ages: Where will our journey take us?' and our authentic outcome will be to visit Chysauster Ancient Village, seeing settlement remains and reading out Stone Age poetry that we will write throughout the project.
During the Spring Term, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We will be looking at what life was like in Ancient Egypt for people living then, exploring the importance of pharaohs and why people believed there were gods. Children will learn the process of mummification, writing about it in our English lessons and explore the wonders of the Egyptian pyramids.
Following this, we will use our Art and D&T lessons to develop our watercolour art skills, create papyrus paper and use weaving skills to make Egyptian necklaces.
We will also be focusing on rivers in Geography and the importance of the River Nile on Egypt in the past and today.
Our focus question this term is 'Ancient Egypt: Can A River Be A Gift?'
Following this, we will use our Art and D&T lessons to develop our watercolour art skills, create papyrus paper and use weaving skills to make Egyptian necklaces.
We will also be focusing on rivers in Geography and the importance of the River Nile on Egypt in the past and today.
Our focus question this term is 'Ancient Egypt: Can A River Be A Gift?'
Our enquiry question for the Summer term is 'High or Low: Where is best to grow?' which will see us putting our geographer and scientist hats on! The focus this term will be on biomes, climate zones, vegetation belts and plants. We will be learning about the weather and climate around the world and the different biomes - comparing them to the biome we live in. We will look at plants around the world as well as parts of a plant and what plants need to grow and survive. There will be lots of fieldwork opportunities this term, and we will be finishing off the term by performing at the Minack Theatre!
Times table practise on your individual times table targets - on TT Rockstars.
Spelling practice - on Spelling Shed.
Read for at least 15 minutes each night to improve reading fluency and comprehension.
Please make use of our fantastic school resources such as TT Rockstars and Ed Shed - log ins for both will be in your child's planner.
This term, our PE lessons are on a Thursday. Please come ready for PE wearing your St Hilary PE kit.
School Planners in school every day please and comments written in about your child's reading.