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Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School

Our vision for ICT and computing


The St Hilary vision for ICT is to help every child step into the future with confidence. We shall challenge them to learn and apply the skills using engaging technologies safely, which will prepare our children for a technological world that's yet to be discovered both within and beyond the classroom.

We are a NAACE Mark accredited school

Every three years the school is given the opportunity to renew the NAACE mark. The award recognises the school's success in developing the strategic use of ICT in many areas such as administrative and throughout the curriculum. It confirms that the children who are attending our school are at the forefront of modern technology.

To renew the NAACE Mark the school is required to complete a very in-depth online evaluation and audit of the school's ICT provision. 

Following the last self-evaluation we had a visitor from the NAACE  Mark who verified the information we had given them, by talking to children and staff and having a tour of the school. As he went around the classes they saw children using a wide variety of technologies. He was immediately struck by the competence and confidence of the children in ICT across the school.