Monday |
All day - Mrs Van Der Kammen
Tuesday |
All - Mrs Van Der Kammen / Mr Trudgeon (Afternoon PPA every other week)
Wednesday |
AM - Mrs Mackenzie (PPA cover)
PM - Mr Larter
Thursday |
All day - Mr Larter
Friday |
All day - Mr Larter
Weekly Organisation
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What your child needs:
Water bottle and tuck:
Please encourage your child to bring a healthy snack for tuck and preferably water rather than squash to help them make healthy choices with their food and drink.
Homework Diary / Planner:
Please ensure your child brings this to school every day to help us maintain good home school communications, please note each day and sign to indicate that your child has read for 20 minutes each night to help them towards Accelerated Reader Targets.
PE Kit:
Please ensure your child has brought in trainers with them to complete the daily mile/activity.
Children will be expected to wear their PE kits (tracksuits) on the day they have PE.