Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School

Breakfast Club and Funzone

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am bright and breezy every morning, for both infant and junior children. A range of breakfast options such as cereals, toast etc are available. 


We aim to vary the foods the children eat and cater for different dietary requirements. We encourage communication and respect amongst the children whilst they eat all together.


Our Breakfast Club staff: Janet and Jude have a special relationship with the pupils that is more laid back than in school hours. There is always a member of staff, who is trained in basic first aid.





7.45 – 8.45 inc. breakfast


8.00 – 8.45 inc. breakfast


8.30 – 8.45 no breakfast



‘Funzone’ after School Club runs every afternoon from the end of the day to 5.30, for both infant and junior children. A range of activities are available to the children including a range of crafts, inside and outside sports, board games and films to offer a variety of social experiences. 


We provide a daily snack for the children at 4.00pm. We aim to vary the foods the children eat and cater for different dietary requirements. We encourage communication and respect amongst the children whilst they eat all together. The children continue to enjoy the After School Club and enjoy the use of school equipment and space that we have access to.


Our ‘Funzone’ staff: Jo, Janet and Sophie have a special relationship with the pupils that is more laid back than in school hours. There is always a member of staff, who is trained in basic first aid.





3.10pm – 4.00pm (inc. snack)


3.10pm – 4.30pm


3.10pm – 5.00pm


3.10pm – 5.30pm





Please can all parents/guardians ensure your children are booked into breakfast club and funzone via the School Gateway app.  If your child no longer requires the place, please can you notify the school office as often there is a waiting list.  If you are unable to access the School Gateway app please contact the school office. 




Breakfast Club and Funzone are both payable via Parent Pay.  Please can you ensure payment is made weekly or monthly at the very least to ensure excessive debts are not accrued.  Please note services may be withdrawn if outstanding debts are not paid in a timely manner.  If you are unable to access Parent Pay please contact the school office.