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Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School


School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. We believe that it supports positive behaviour and the good discipline of our pupils by instilling pride and a sense of belonging and encouraging them to identify with the school’s values. Above all, we believe that it supports effective teaching and learning, by setting an appropriate working environment.

School uniform can be obtained through the school office and/or the uniform supplier “Trophy Textiles”, who operate a uniform shop in the school, on a termly basis.

Uniform can also be purchased throughout the year, including during the holidays, from the supplier outlet in Redruth. Please visit the school’s website and follow the appropriate link to gain more details about the uniform and our supplier.

Winter Uniform

(October half-term until beginning of Summer term)

Reception Children

  • St. Hilary School Jumper or Cardigan
  • Either... a white polo shirt OR white formal shirt with school tie
  • Grey formal trousers (or grey formal school shorts if that is your wish) with black or grey socks
  • Grey pleated skirt or pinafore dress with grey tights or long grey or white socks
  • Black school shoes

Years 1 to 6

  • St. Hilary School Jumper or Cardigan
  • White formal long or short sleeved shirt
  • School tie
  • Grey pleated skirt or pinafore dress with grey tights or long grey or white socks
  • Grey formal trousers (or grey formal school shorts if that is your wish) with black or grey socks
  • Black school shoes 

Summer Uniform

(Easter until September/October)

Reception Children

  • St. Hilary School Jumper or Cardigan
  • Either... a white polo shirt OR short sleeved white formal shirt with top button open
  • Grey formal shorts or trousers
  • Black school shoes 
  • Red and white gingham summer dress with white socks

Years 1- 6

  • St. Hilary School Jumper or Cardigan
  • White formal short sleeved shirt worn open necked with top button undone
  • Grey formal shorts or trousers with grey or black socks
  • Red and white gingham summer dress with white socks
  • Black school shoes 

PE Kit

Indoor PE Kit - All Year Groups

  • Red round neck T-shirt with St Hilary logo
  • Black cotton shorts
  • Plain black or red sweatshirt (no logos or club kit) or their school jumper/cardigan or a St Hilary Tracksuit top from the uniform shop
  • Black plimsolls

 Outdoor PE Kit – Years R-6

  • Red round neck T-shirt with St Hilary logo
  • Plain black cotton shorts or plain black jogging bottoms
  • Plain black or red sweatshirt (no logos or club kit) or their school jumper/cardigan or a St Hilary Tracksuit top from the uniform shop
  • Black plimsolls or trainers

Extra bits...

Shoes - Winter/Summer

School shoes must be worn, as opposed to boots, Ugg boots, trainers or sandals. Sensible footwear is imperative for the safety of your children during the school day.

Outdoor Coat

During periods of cold weather, the children must come to school with an appropriate outdoor coat. A St Hilary School red “All Weather” coat with a fleece lining is available to buy through our school uniform supplier. You may wish to provide a coat of your own choice for your child, however we would prefer a coat of a solid colour in red, black or grey.