Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School

New Parents information

As parents of a child new to St. Hilary we would like to welcome you and we hope that the information on this page will reassure you and answer some of the questions you may have.
The Early Years is such an important stage in your child's development and as such we very much welcome your support and involvement in their learning.
We are hosting a new parents evening on Tuesday 6th June at 5.45pm to which you are warmly invited. This will provide you with the opportunity to meet some of the EYFS team and other school staff and to find out a little bit more about your child's first year at St. Hilary.
We also invite you and your child to a stay and play session after school on Tuesday 20th June at 3.15- 4.15pm and on Tuesday 27th June.
A cream tea on Tuesday 4th July, organised by our amazing PTA, gives a further opportunity for children to mix with their new buddies as well as enabling parents to chat and get to know each other over a cuppa and cake!