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Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School

Our Approach to Pupil Wellbeing- TIS & Mental Health Support

TIS Support

At St Hilary we now use a nurture based approach which enables us to support children here using creativity and play to help develop emotional resilience.

We are a TIS UK school, which uses a Trauma Informed Schools UK approach. TIS is based on scientific research and has been developed using the latest research into brain science, child development theory, attachment theory and the role of creativity and play in developing emotional resilience.

Here is some of the rationale behind why some children might need some extra support in developing emotional resilience:

We believe that a child’s learning shouldn’t just be about academic results - that’s only one part of us growing into well-rounded human beings. We also need to learn about how and why we feel, think, react and behave in certain ways. And sometimes we get those feelings, thoughts, reactions and behaviours wrong. Just like sometimes we get maths problems wrong.


At St Hilary we believe there may well be a need to support any child emotionally as well as academically, in order to help them develop into well rounded individuals. Children may need this support for a short period of time or as a longer set of ongoing sessions, and the reasons they may need this can vary hugely as their experiences vary widely.

We have a fully trained personnel in school our SENDCo Miss Brant, who works closely with the children’s class teacher and TA to deliver any support which is needed.


NHS Mental Health Worker

This year we have been allocated an Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) Mr Nathan Grealy, who will be working with us every Tuesday afternoon. They types of work he and his team can offer include one to one work and small group work.

As a practitioner he can help with the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Low Mood
  • Mild behavioural Difficulties 
  • Worry Management
  • Panic Management 
  • Resilience
He can also help support parents, carers and schools. Please see the parent information booklet below.

If you have any questions and/or think your child would benefit from either type of support please either speak to your class teacher and/or contact the school SENDCo: michellebrant@st-hilary.cornwall.sch.uk .